Saturday, January 16, 2010

The lament of the former bodybuilder

it was because
he felt lighter
his limbs
climbing steps
getting up from his
office chair
he would have
become a boxer
just for the dance of it

it was because
the world was lighter
and more seemed
that box of books or pushing
his neighbor's car
out of the snow

no, there was no thought
of flying, of lifting
the whole city, stopping trains
there was no thought
of his brain
ceasing this incessant
drip of thought
and exploding out into a thousand pieces
of pure physical, of breathing
in the totality of all air until
there was no difference at which
he felt, this I am, and this am not.

nothing like that,
just the increasing lightness
of each step
antaeus in this
hurculean grip.


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