Thursday, February 16, 2006

I love to watch my son crawl. I suppose it's pretty much the biggest thing he's learned so far. Like getting a driver's license.

It's strange how being a father makes you engage in time a different way. He's only eight months old, but already there are times when I feel left out of his life, like he's growing so fast while I'm still playing bo-peep. I rest so much on the strength of what once made him laugh and now brings a smile and soon will be forgotten. Once you have found something to make a baby happy, it's hard to give it up and try to move on when they are past that stage of development. I guess it's just that making my son laugh tops pretty much anything else I've ever done.

It's hard to understand how a baby can even understand how to laugh. Humor seems to be a difficult thing to grasp. On the other hand, a baby pretty much has two moods: sad and happy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like your stuff about your son. It is the greatest to make him laugh. I live to see his smile each morning and to get a hug from his father at night.

10:45 PM  

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