Thursday, January 26, 2006

Since my last post, I have begun to wonder how specific to Proust the "dual metaphor" could be. If you, gentle reader, have an opinion on the subject, feel free to use the "comment" function built into this blog template, marked with a little pencil icon. However, I shall probably not be posting on Proust for a while, as the volume I was reading has come due, and is not renewable, being an interlibrary loan (ILL hereafter) book. Can you believe that the Minneapolis Public Library (MpLib) grand board of good literature fit for public consumption did not see fit to keep it in circulation, but rather left it in a box along with hordes of other, lesser books from the temporarily closed Central Library? If you tell me our civilization is crumbling, I won't be surprised, not any more.

So I am reading a Harry Potter book instead for the time being. Look forward to posts on the literary genius of J.K. Rowling.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe Jorge Luis Borges commented somewhat to the effect that the trouble with Proust is there are great stretches of A la recherche &c. which are as tedious as actual life.


3:11 PM  
Blogger will keillor said...

I suppose Borges' contains stretches as magical as real life...but I won't put the two at daggerpoints, ha, ha.

8:10 PM  

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