Thursday, February 24, 2011

the occasion of the swarovski pen

try not to make
a poem about a pen found
filled with cylinder of fake

it begins.
descant epic decameter.
intone heroic iamb.
the finding of one's idle self
in cushion cuts of medias res
before lips settle into face
that settles into everyday

the gods in mist move
and the galloping of their dactyls
(riding upon the first faint rays of sunset) is
awesome to behold
in sufficient numbers
old sculptures bleed their copper spangles
in divinest green, divinest
coronet down the lower lid of eye runs

ah hello and hither she
needless lovely world
needless to forevers iced with star bling
infinitely bare of other light

but you
lovely world in your startling beauty
all, all, and all, your chinking glit
full spectrum of my trinket sight lit.


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