Tuesday, January 25, 2011

St. John's Monastery, ink and quill workshop after presentation on illumination.

the ink
is ground
soot and water

soot they say
from candles
burnt 200 years ago
when the night
pressed more closely
and light was wavery and

soot from candles
of cow fat
running greasy cross lamp
panes and glossing
roof beams hand-hewn
with marks of adze and drawknife
chewn like bones

i take a turn
at the inkstone
enthralling, black thickening
like blood of light
guttering out

if i were a monk
i would make a prayer of this
and i would grind
till my arm ached

and i would stoop
each day over scraped calf
skin and dip the quill
and bleed it dry
dip and dry
my hand like a heart
pumping soot
into Word of God

for every last dark drop
of light's castaway
say at each stroke-sway
rising and ending
sharp as a knife

so make these ashes
of my life


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