Saturday, August 05, 2006

You must be your own situational comedy

Sit by the docks and listen
to the hammers and saws
of men making art

By the river
the water rich with its own sense
of dramatic irony

why is it so hard to accept the world
big and lovely
when you wear your beret

and so easy to live
in Paris a self-declared wastrel
with a scrap of bread and half a poem?

the world flows like a river of ordinary
I look in tinted windows while I walk
smile devilishly and say, "so beautiful and vain"

that bloated belly I would hold forever
the pregnant artist loves her straining, straining
delivering lollipops and vinegar and potato-heads

Did you hear Williamsburg
is being made into a gated community?
they will keep the actors, as well as some mechanical bears
and a robotic cobbler

and a poet.


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