Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Rats, Nietzsche, Religion.

forgiveness is so difficult in
this one particular way:
that another person is not you

not an offense that rises against consciousness
because it is in the main
root to shoot

we think in big bangs
the singular things capture us

sensors in rat brain
shed light on movements through the maze

there is a turn
after which it believes it will receive

it can
register itself
as in that place

we must study these simple signs
we should know
how we know
what we know

from a maze
to create the soul

do you think
when we scuddled from the sea
our desires outstripped our bodies?

that the soul was stretched like dough
kneaded out across this discontent

and the monk, in ascetic life
kneads and kneads this film
out so thin the universe is visible through his skin

ah, the unforgiving fingers, what shall elude their grasp
each to each attracts, small fields gain mass
matter once again retracts

and you and I are I and you
it is the same force that leaves stars aflame
and what singular energy is needed
to make each collapse into everlasting arms again

Sunday, March 08, 2015

To the crocus

land of sand-capped snow
melting misty in mid-morning glow

the rising
sad galloping dactyls all

bombast and bluster and old men of winter
riding into the first faint guns of summer

all your beauty is buried
in bare earth

there is no beauty, surely, like
hoped-for things coming

surely the crocus will
come boldly lo
first blade of spring's spear shows
white truce of bloom upon it