Friday, December 07, 2012

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

what (10)we (9)discovered
is that the universe is just one thing
but the (8)extremely flexible
and powers of magnification

are astronomical

there is
one thing
not a joke, an interrogative
a very (7)earnest jest

the (6)answer unravels to cliche
in powers
of magnification

the sun rays skate across the lake
the slaked night waits
the universe is one thing
i will buy it for (5)you
when i run to the store
if you let me (4)have a little too

in the lunchroom
at 12:58
(3)infinity is the space between
the (2)second (1)hand jerk
in 4-5 wombs a baby's heart just kickstarted
some born to time
some between


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