here's what i'm going to do
here's what i'm going to do
i'm going to get real serious about life now
the thing is i'm just getting into these moral lessons
all the time they really hit me
like the things that make you happiest
make you saddest too
you see what i mean it's
all the time you tell me you had a really good apple
at lunch and i'm thinking how the best things
are this simple and every moment of this day
i'm going to eat right to the core
it's all about how to live
and if i drive past
pile ups i'll just break down
right there, and the guy smoking
thumb out and duffels dirty
there he is in the flesh, you hardly ever see
it anymore, and who knows, he could hitch a ride
with me and be in my car next, smelling like booze
and body, and telling me where he's trying to get to
but the real shifty thing is
i'd take him with me but the radio right now
is a man talking about his fight with cancer
and the sky is full of huge tumor clouds
i'm telling you this on-ramp is where i say my goodbyes
i'm sorry, i can't and
the evening is filling with crickets
won't be still a minute
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