Thursday, July 14, 2011

mojo wifi and the battery strength

you can take it
to a point. then the funky pastels
and the pointy shoes get jarring.

look, we didn't
understand some things. the way
when you arrive
you don't want to anymore. the way
it's more than a hymn to the lake district
and the hand shading the eyes.

your skin starts to wrinkle
there's a leak somewhere
around the middle I think
life is like
things found down by the river
I found a fishing hook and lure
I was so scared of that rusty prick.

you know when you go into the stores
with the video of you coming in on the screen
ah, that copy of me always catches my eye
life cracks down the windshield

let the grass mosaic this road
let sentiment leak down acquaduct eyes
let us guess about tomorrow
uncork your ventricles and brandish that stone thing
you picked up back there

these are all things that were thought by them
in an airport on their wifi with all the people everywhere walking
with their signals weak. every grammar leaks. you've
spoke since you were two and I love you for that
whoever you are and however you speak.


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