Sunday, February 14, 2010

How you are beautiful to me

First let me explain
what I mean
by beauty
here's the theory:
an expression
of that which is
by its subject unpercieved
but percieved therefore
with surprise by those who will
have the eyes

I know you, thinking
this is all about these words
but look, I will make this test
as well:

shall I start at the beginning
with the first moment I became
aware of you, that is, you yourself
not exactly
as you are, admittedly, but enough like
it to make me stop, lie awake
slowly realize that you would live
somewhere in me, whatever I would say,
that is, to begin, when I
like one partly healed
from birth first with awe beheld
some shapes I often

but that is nothing to this:
consider when we joined
in mystery our two forms
and so, from that imaginary height
you in your simple way uncovered
how to arise quotidien into
the rhythm of the day
could grow into a strength sustained,
by strength unexpected, an unexpected
strength for the trials of the day
and this goes on
like flower, grass, thicket
unconcerned by terrain's
rise or fall

when first from yourself
in that pale hospital room
I saw creation realized, held in my hands
what would color new days
like sunshine surprising thrust
through clouds
and nature unaware showing suddenly
her fuller form in intricate
and lovely lines
you were weary yet
fresh as a spring day

even my mind
like a chunk of earth
can understand
this beauty
is made for


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