Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Hallows Eve

When you fall asleep
your spirit will greive over your body
like a man outside the ashes of his home
which fire has snatched with all his memories

All your memories will clog your lungs like smoke
will burn your eyes, you will breathe strangely beside me
and murmer words that have no spirit
like a dark river slinking by the bridge lights

The earth slips into sleep around the streets
I get up to look out the window glass
the glass, cold as your sleeping arms
fogs by my breath slow and even into the gentle night

The noiseless night awakens an internal sound
in my ears, spiritless for lack of your humming self
high as I can hear, it sings with all the dead
who hallow the eve with their fleshless dance.

The sun itself is cut as morning sounds
like chariots arising from the east
the sun is cut like warring flesh in the dead starlight
and the sleeping world awakes to blood-red rays
as you and I also rise into a nameless day
with all the saints, all the holy spirit, strewn martry-like upon the earth.


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