I started out this blog with an idea of poetic knowing as a solution to something or other. Since then, I've filled the blog mainly with poetry, mainly slapdash. The idea of poetic knowing as a value creates a disconnect with the poet, let's say the internal poet. A value creates a place for things to stand, and when things start to stand on poetic knowing, the fundamental position of the poet is jeopardized, just as when a critic interprets a poem.
A poem must be understood, reflected upon, which folds the self to a position of exclusion. A position of exclusion also informs a poem, which is made up of happenings which are folded in reflection.
I realized that I am running out of poetic knowing for various reasons, mainly that it cannot sustain the quality of a value because one does not maintain a folded or exlcusive position. Like playing a flute with a bellows, the voice sounds best when it is folding. But in a time of happenings, or unfolding, perhaps one must abandon a poetic knowing for a time.